Global Trends in 5G Communication

Global trends in 5G communication

Nirlay Kundu, Distinguished Engineer, Verizon Innovation Labs

– 28 August 2023 

Talk summary: The talk by Nirlay Kundu addressed the 5G technology landscape, its deployment in a Tier 1 telco environment, the challenges of network planning, the role of standards in advancing the adoption of open interfaces, and the business challenges that network operators face.

Speaker bio: Nirlay Kundu has been working in the telecom industry for about 25 years with the last ten years at Verizon, a Tier 1 telecom carrier based out of USA. He has diverse expertise in developing and designing networks and takes part in telecom standards like O-RAN ALLIANCE. He plays a leadership role in O-RAN ALLIANCE. He is a Visiting Professor at Sorbonne University, Paris. He is a frequent speaker at industry events where he blends together his technical skills and business knowledge. He has forged several strategic global partnerships with Tier 1 telecom operators globally. He has experience in assisting businesses to expand into new territories and address market challenges by creating new offerings, nurturing technology partnerships, and establishing new delivery capabilities.

[Talk organised in collaboration with the Department of Computational and Data Sciences]